Thursday, September 27, 2007

Florida Health Insurance * Republicans View On Health Insurance

Florida has millions of individuals going without health insurance, due to the high cost.. Democracts feel their must be a Universal Health Care Plan, while Republicans think Health Care is just perfect the way it is. What can we as Americans do to fix the broken Health Care system? How many jobs does the Health Care Industry bring to our economy?

Jacksonville, Florida

September 27, 2007 -- Florida Health Insurance Web, in its continuing series, examines the 2008 presidential race and its impact on the State of Florida and how the election may effect Florida Health Insurance benefits and available rates. Morgan Moran in a phone interview said the "sadly the Republican candidates offer little to help Florida's uninsured." Insurance consultant Moran said, If you're one of the tens of million Americans without coverage, or if you don't like the coverage you have, "next November you will have a chance to pick the person who will deliver the best health care plan." So far, "the Democrats seem to be winning the health insurance debate.

We don't need universal health care mandated by federal edict or funded through ever-higher taxes.
Last night Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton spoke about her health care plan which, according to Moran, "gives the choice of health insurance plans to pick from and, Clinton said her insurance coverage plans will be affordable." Clinton also said, if you like the health insurance plan you currently have, you can keep it, or switch to a less expensive plan.

On the other side of the isle, Republicans are pointing to terror and border security rather than addressing Americas health care crisis.

Republican Senator John McCain's website John McCain under 'the issues', fails to mention healthcare, Moran said, instead of giving America a health plan; "McCain is focusing on 'fighting Islamic Extremists, Government Spending, Border Security, and Iraq." To be fair, McCain is not the only Republican ignoring healthcare. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has posted nothing about health insurance in his bid for the White House. His Join Rudy web site says, the issues for the upcoming election are: Fiscal Discipline, Cutting Taxes, Winning the War on Terror, Iraq, Public Safety, Judges, Education, The Right to Bear Arms and Marriage.

Governor Mitt Romney, on his 'True Strength for America's Future' website Mitt Romney has his list of campaign issues as: Defeating the Jihadists, Competing with Asia, Taxes, Immigration, Energy, Education and yes, finally, Healthcare. In USA Today, July 5, 2005 Romney said, "We can't have 40 million people saying, 'I don't have insurance', and if I get sick, I want someone else to pay." Individuals have responsibility for their own health care. Romney went on to say "The health of our nation can be improved by extending health insurance to all Americans, not through a government program or new taxes, but through market reforms."

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's campaign said, "The health care system in this country is irrevocably broken, in part because it is only a 'health care' system, not a 'health' system." Huckabee said, "We don't need universal health care mandated by federal edict or funded through ever-higher taxes." We can make health care more affordable by reforming medical liability; adopting electronic record keeping; making health insurance more portable from one job to another; expanding health savings accounts to everyone, not just those with high deductibles; and making health insurance tax deductible for individuals and families as it now is for businesses, the Gov said.

Senator Sam Brownback on his web site said the "healthcare system will thrive with increased consumer choice, consumer control and real competition." Brownback went on to say "I will continue to work at the forefront to create a consumer-centered, not government-centered, healthcare model that offer both affordable coverage choices and put the consumer in the driver's seat."

Congressmen Tom Tancredo stand on health care focuses on the uninsured. Tancredo said, "The two major problems are the high cost of care and the number of uninsured." Tort reform and immigration enforcement would save the system billions and drive down costs. As for the uninsured: as many as 25% of them are illegal aliens and should be deported or encouraged to leave. For citizens and legal residents who are employed by businesses which cannot afford coverage, "Tancredo favors association health plans which band small businesses together to access lower cost insurance." For those out of work, state governments should be the primary source of relief, although I would not rule out federal incentives or limited subsidies to make sure families who have fallen on hard times are not without coverage.

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