Florida Group Health Insurance is readily available on the Internet. With so many alternatives, what is an employer to do? Recent polls taken by the Boston Globe said that "23% of the consumer population didn't realize that group and individual health plans are different". How do I get a group health insurance policy? And what are my options to get lower cost health insurance?
Group health insurance plans allow you to participate in a good policy, based on your inclusion in a specific workplace group of people. If you're a business owner, then offering a good group health insurance plan is the best idea for a many reasons.
Do you qualify for one of these plans? Many employers think that, with just a few employees, their businesses are too small. To the contrary, even a two person company can qualify for a group health plan.
The terms "two person" company, I'm including you, the owner, as one of the people. This can take an enormous financial burden off of you if you've been paying individual health insurance premiums. And, you don't need to go through too much paperwork to attain a good policy.
What are the criteria needed to obtain a Florida Group Health Insurance Policy? You'll need to show the insurance companies that you are a valid and legitimate business. To do this, you'll need to show various documents, including your official wage report, occupational license and possibly articles of incorporation. Once you've established that you're a business "group", you can proceed with a group health insurance plan--and all the benefits that it can convey!
How do you get a lower cost health insurance plan? There are various ways to reduce the costs of a group health insurance plan. You can be a very discerning consumer and take your time shopping down the best and most affordable policies. Doing this is greatly expedited when you use an online search engine provided by a reliable insurance broker.
How else can I reduce my health insurance costs? Tne very notable way to lower your group health insurance costs is through tax exemptions. Not everybody is aware of the fact that they can reduce the amount that they are taxed on by using their medical insurance plan. If you're able to do this, you can save a lot of money.
The tax code allows employees to pay some of their health insurance premiums from pre-tax dollars. In other words, they're not going to be taxed on the considerable sums that they'll be spending on insurance! This is good news for both employees and employers.
If paying less income tax and lower social security taxes sounds good to you, consult your employer. You may be able to save a lot of money in the coming fiscal year. A group health insurance plan can also be a great financial asset at tax time!
Lastly, the best way to lower you group health insurance costs is to let an insurance consultant go out to the marketplace and bring you back the best possible benefits, while keeping your costs in check. If you are searching online I'd suggest that you check some of the various local Florida Web Portals. You can "Take your web quotes to a professional health insurance consultant such as Florida Health Insurance Web." They are online at www.FloridaHealthInsuranceWeb.com
"An agent can assess your needs, explain complex policy riders and sometimes get you a better deal." (Some insurers aren’t in online databases.) You can search for agents in your area through the National Association of Health Underwriters at the web site: www.nahu.org.
Find a Florida Health Insurance Agency that holds a full product line to ensure you are finding the best group health policy at the best rate.